Before anyone decides to carry out a project paid from public funds it is necessary to determine the costs of such project in advance and the benefits which it will bring to citizens for the overall period of its expected existence.
If it was determined, before taking decision about a project financed by public funds, how much such project would cost and what would it bring to citizens, it would be possible to avoid realisation of useless or directly corruption-driven projects.
- Transparency International: Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement, A Practical Guide, 2014, p. 15 - 16
- Institute for International Relations, Ministry of foreign affairs of the Czech Republic: Project cycle manual for foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic, 2006, p. 18 – 19
- Kameník, M., Plhoň, T., Šanc, F.,More than a Public Procurement Act: economy, transparency and accountability in public purchases, Oživení, 2012, p.23, 41-42
- Kohout, P. andcoll., Collection of texts of a working group for the fight against corruption, National Economic Government Council, June 2011, p. 13
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 15: Evaluation of investments from the public interest perspective, December 2013
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