A person who occupies the political post shall assigns tasks to professional officers who implement them unless those orders do not comply with the law. The person holding political post should not be entitled to appoint or dismiss professional officers.
If the politically appointed person was assigning tasks to the officer without a possibility to recall such officer, it would be possible to achieve an adequate setting of the public service so that, on the one hand, it would carry out government policies, but, on the other hand, it would not be forced to realise corruption assignments.
- Staff Working Document, European Commission, Report on the Czech Republic, (COM(2015) 85 final), p. 25
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Conception for years 2015 - 2017,chap. 2.1.1., p. 5
- Public Money and Corruption Risks – A Comparative Analysis, Frank Bold, 2013, p. 76
- REST. Depolitisation of the civil service, Reconstruction of the State [online], 2013, principle 5
- Transparency International: Corruption risks in the Visegrad Countries – Visegrad Integrity System Study, 2012, p. 18 a 68
- Černý, P., Klanicová, K.,A Clientelist or Legal State? Environmental Legal Service, Prague, 2010, p. 31
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 9: Integrity and professionalism of public administration, December 2013
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