
Anticorruption barometer

Update history

Non-corrupt and professional public administration — #74 Dismissal protection of whistleblowers

A legitimate corruption announcement triggers dismissal protection for the public employee which is effective retroactively from the moment of making the announcement. Whistleblower which made a legitimate corruption announcement cannot be dismissed until the investigation which he/she instigated is terminated.

Justification and sources

Selected update

Updated: 08/2015 Parameter update history

Political promise to solve the problem

The submission of a legislative regulation of whistleblowing and the protection of whistleblowers is foreseen in the governmental Action plan and Conception for fighting corruption.

Compared to current state

Updated: 06/2017 Parameter update history

The law proposal is in the Lower Chamber

The Government proposal, which is in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, does not bestow on a legitimate whistleblower an effective protection before the act of dismissal as such. The parallel MP proposal grants to a legitimate whistleblower the status of protected whistleblower; as long as such status is granted the whistleblower can be dismissed only with the consent of the Labour Authority if such dismissal was not related to whistleblowing.