Transparent and effective public investment
— #97 Cooperation of politically nominated supervisory board members in the performance of control checks by the Supervisory Audit Authority
Elected politicians holding a post in the supervisory board of a company serving public interest should thanks to their access to information about functioning of this company cooperate in controlling activities of the Supreme Audit Authority in respect of the company in question.
If persons representing public interest in the supervisory board of a company providing services of public interest had an obligation to cooperate with the Supreme Audit Authority which would perform a check on such company, the surveillance activity of the Supreme Audit Authority would be easier and at the same would be more efficient.
- OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-owned Enterprises, OECD, 2005, II.F.4.
- 2010 Annual report of the Czech Intelligence Service, p. 4
- 2012 Annual report of the Czech Intelligence Service, p. 6
- Fadrný, M., Bouda, P., Czech Republic, the country of gravy trains, Frank Bold, 2014, section 3.2., p. 16 – 17
- Political control and corruption potential of state-owned enterprises, Centre for Applied Economy of the Institute of Economic Studies (Charles University in Prague), 11 September 2013, p. 1 and 8
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 14: Supervisory boards of companies serving public interest, December 2013
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