Contracts between public administration and private entities shall be disclosed in the public accessible register of contracts at the central single web address. Legal effect of such contracts shall be conditioned by their disclosure in the publicly accessible register of contracts at the central single web address.
If publication of contracts concluded between public institutions and private subjects in the public contracts register was obligatory and the validity of these contracts was conditioned by their publication, public control of activities and spending of taxpayers‘ money by public institutions could be very effective.
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Conception for years 2015 - 2017, chap. 2.1.2., p. 6
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Action Plan for 2015, chap. 2, p. 8
- Public Money and Corruption Risks – A Comparative Analysis, Frank Bold, 2013, p. 79, 82, 83
- REST. Public contracts on the internet, Reconstruction of the State [online], 2013, principles 1 and 2
- Kohout, P. andcoll., Collection of texts of a working group for the fight against corruption, National Economic Government Council, June 2011, p. 44 - 45
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 10: On-line access to information about public institutions, December 2013
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