If the information is not made public, a citizen should request the information by using e-mail and shall receive the answer also by e-mail. The processing time of each request shall be publicly available in “real-time”.
If making available of information about the functioning of public institutions was mostly performed electronically, citizens could obtain this information more quickly while the costs of providing such information could be decreased.
- Art. 10 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 14 December 2005
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Action Plan for 2015, chap. 2, p. 8
- Public Money and Corruption Risks – A Comparative Analysis, Frank Bold, 2013, p. 82
- Černý, P., Klanicová, K.,A Clientelist or Legal State? Environmental Legal Service, Prague, 2010, p. 30
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 10: On-line access to information about public institutions, December 2013
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