Next to the basic wage the only possibility of remuneration should be the promotion to a higher wage tariff. No extraordinary bonuses should be allowed.
If next to the basic salary the only way of possible granting of bonuses to public officers was an upgrade to a higher salary grade and at the same time it would not be possible to pay out to officers any special bonuses, it would not be possible for politicians to motivate officers by special bonuses to the realisation of public money diversion.
- Art. 7 (1) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 14 December 2005
- Staff Working Document, European Commission, Report on the Czech Republic, (COM(2015) 85 final), p. 25
- Report of the European Commission on the fight against corruption in the EU, Annex Czech Republic, Annex 3, COM(2014) 38 final , p. 11
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Conception for years 2015 - 2017, Chapter 2.1.1., p. 5
- REST. Depolitisation of the civil service, Reconstruction of the State [online], 2013, principle 6
- Transparency International: Corruption risks in the Visegrad Countries – Visegrad Integrity System Study, 2012, p. 18 a 68
- Transparency International - Czech Republic , Professionalisation of the state administration and the Civil Servants Act, Policy paper, Prague, June 2012, p. 23
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 9: Integrity and professionalism of public administration, December 2013
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