Transparent financing of political parties
— #48 The remuneration of the court appointed expert for the financial management of the campaign
The remuneration of the appointed accountant should be transferred to the transparent electoral account at the beginning of the electoral campaign. The amount of the remuneration should be set at the outset, earmarked on the account and blocked until after the elections. The amount of remuneration should be released to the electoral accountant only after competent authority checked his/her work and did not find any deficiencies.
If the remuneration to the court appointed accountant responsible for the financial management of the electoral campaign was determined in advance and was paid out to him/her in full only once the supervisory body would not have found any irregularity in the electoral campaign financing, the accountant would be motivated to perform the financial management of the campaign in line with the prescribed rules.
- Evaluation Report of the GRECO Group of the Council of Europe regarding Transparency of party funding (Theme II) in the Czech Republic, Strasbourg, 1 April 2011, point 71.vii., viii. and ix.
- Art. 16 of Recommendation of the Council of Europe Rec(2003)4 on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns, 8 April 2003
- Lunn, P., Regulatory Policy and Behavioural Economics, OECD Publishing, 2014
- REST. Transparent financing of political parties and electoral campaigns [online], Reconstruction of the state, 2013, principle 5
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 8: Transparent financing of electoral campaigns, December 2013
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