Political parties should publish annual reports on the internet in a machine-readable form.
If political parties were obliged to publish their annual reports on the internet and in a machine readable form, these annual reports would be easily accessible, and hence could be controlled by the public. Information contained therein could be compared and analysed by computer applications.
- Report of the European Commission on the fight against corruption in the EU, Annex Czech Republic, Annex 3, COM(2014) 38 final, p. 11
- Evaluation Report of the GRECO Group of the Council of Europe regarding Transparency of party funding (Theme II) in the Czech Republic, Strasbourg, 1 April 2011, point 71.iv.
- Art. 3. b. i. of Recommendation of the Council of Europe Rec(2003)4 on common rules against corruption in the funding of political parties and electoral campaigns, 8 April 2003
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Action Plan for 2015, chap. 2, p. 10
- REST. Transparent financing of political parties and electoral campaigns [online], Reconstruction of state, 2013, principle 3
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 6: Making financing of political parties more transparent, December 2013
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