Control of politicians
— #32 Enforceability of declarations and commitments
Declaration that the candidate the demands that any trespassing of the aforementioned commitments is enforceable by the geographically competent court within the constituency where the candidate was elected;
If the candidate made before elections a declaration that obligation he/she assumed in the asset and non-corruption declaration considers to be enforceable, it would be possible to execute those obligations against him should he/she violate them.
- Art. 8 (6) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 14 December 2005
- Transparency International Czech Republic, Conflict of interest – Czech Republic [online], p. 9 – 11
- REST. Electronic asset declaration as of the date of entry into a public office, Reconstruction of the State, 2013, principle 2
- Myerson, R., Democratic Decentralization and Economic Development, Chicago University, February 2013 [online], p. 15
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 4: Non-corruption statement and asset declaration, December 2013
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