A certified software should analyze who was assigned to which tender evaluation, what did he/she evaluate and how etc. The program should ensure that the same experts were not assigned to evaluate competitions where the same companies would be competing.
If the way of selection of experts for evaluation of concrete bids, the contents of the assessment and the type of companies' bids was analysed by a certified software, it would be possible to ensure an even distribution of experts to the evaluation of public procurement bids and prevent favouritism in respect of certain tenderers.
- Kameník, M., Plhoň, T., Šanc, F.,More than a Public Procurement Act: economy, transparency and accountability in public purchases, Oživení, 2012, p. 51
- Kohout, P. andcoll., Collection of texts of a working group for the fight against corruption, National Economic Government Council, June 2011, p. 74 - 75
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 18: Fair assessment of public procurement bids, December 2013
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