Subsequently, it is necessary to evaluate options especially from the view of their financial burden and benefits for the citizens and entrepreneurs, compare the alternatives and to choose the one that is most suited for the given place and time.
If the different variants of solutions were evaluated from the perspective of financial burden and expected benefits, it would be possible to prevent realisation of overcharged or purposeless public projects.
- Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic: Cost & Benefit Analysis, Methodical Guide, May 2004, p. 16 – 20
- Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic: Feasibility study, Methodical Guide, May 2004, p. 35
- Frank Bold: Governance, transparency and public participation in transport infrastructure Projects, 2014, p. 25 and 34-35
- Kameník, M., Plhoň, T., Šanc, F.,More than a Public Procurement Act: economy, transparency and accountability in public purchases, Oživení, 2012, p. 41-42 and 59
- Kohout, P. andcoll., Collection of texts of a working group for the fight against corruption, National Economic Government Council, June 2011, p. 50, 54 - 55
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 15: Evaluation of investments from the public interest perspective, December 2013
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