
Anticorruption barometer


Transparent and effective public investment — #116 Exemptions from the ownership structure disclosure rule

Exemption should be granted only to companies whose shares are traded on the stock market (stocks are trade too fast for anyone to be able to monitor the owners and it is not technically possible neither) as well as for banks and insurance companies (their ownership structure is controlled by Czech National Bank and all shareholder change is subject to its approval).

Justification and sources

Current state

Updated: 10/2016 Parameter update history

The law is in force

Problem Discussion Voluntary solution Efforts Proposal Gov't Lower ch. Senate Adopted In force Applied

The exception from the requirement of disclosure of ultimate beneficial owners of companies for those owners which acquired their interest via stock markets (regulated markets) is not being dealt with either in the new Act on public procurement, which entered into force, nor in the proposal of law amending the Act on public registers, which is in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament. Nevertheless, the exception can be possibly applied if read in conjunction with the definition of the beneficial owner contained in the EU Anti-money Laundering Directive. The exception for banks and insurance companies whose ownership structures and ultimate beneficial owners are under surveillance of the Czech National Bank, is not foreseen.

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