
Anticorruption barometer

Update history

Control of politicians — #6 Electronic public diary of politicians

Politician should keep an electronic diary where he/she would enter all his/her meetings.* The contents of the electronic diary is published in “real-time” on the internet.

* It is not necessary to disclose internal meetings and communication, for example, a minister should not disclose meetings and communication with the employees of the ministry or with the members of his party. The precise definition of an internal meeting and communication would be specified.

Justification and sources

Selected update

Updated: 08/2015 Parameter update history

Voluntary solutions are applied

The regulation on lobbying is not in the plans of the current government despite the fact that the problem of non-transparent lobbying continues to be discussed in the public debate. However, some Members of the Czech Parliament, Czech members of the European Parliament as well as some municipal representatives voluntarily disclose their activities and meetings in their public online diary, although the disclosed information is still rather rudimentary.

Compared to current state

Updated: 06/2017 Parameter update history

Political promise to solve the problem

The new minister for legislation and human rights signaled the preparation of an Act on regulation of lobbying which should allegedly include also public diaries of politicians, however, so far without further details.