
Anticorruption barometer

Update history

Transparent and effective public investment — #109 Limitation of a technical qualification criteria to a single one

Technical qualification criteria should be based on a principle that a the generally sufficient requirement is the realisation of a similar contract in the past.

Justification and sources

Selected update

Updated: 10/2015 Parameter update history

The law proposal is in the Lower Chamber

The proposal of the law on public procurement, which is in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament – unlike the EU Directive – does not embrace the principle that the sufficient general requirement of technical qualification is the realization of a similar work in the past and that the more detailed technical criteria should verify the compliance with this principle.

Compared to current state

Updated: 10/2016 Parameter update history

The law is in force

The new Act on public procurement, which entered into force – unlike the EU Directive – does not embrace the principle that the sufficient general requirement of technical qualification is the realization of a similar work in the past and that the more detailed technical criteria should verify the compliance with this principle.