Following certain period of time, for example, after three years from the entry of the law into force, the ministry that submitted the proposal of the law should prepare a report about functioning and impacts of the adopted legislation. The report shall be approved by the Government and be submitted to the Parliament for discussion.
If after certain time, for example, after three years from the entry of the law in force, the ministry which submitted the adopted law, made a report on functioning and impacts of the law adopted, it would be possible to prevent adoption of chaotic and tumultuous amendments of existing laws which can have a substantial corruption potential.
- Art. 5 (3) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, 14 December 2005
- European Commission: Staff Working Document, Better Regulation Guidelines, European Commission, COM(2015) 215 final, str. 42 - 47
- European Commission: Better Regulation Toolbox, SWD(2015) 111, p. 245 - 298
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 13: (Poor)Quality of Czech laws, December 2013
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