After a successful defense of the impact assessment, the institution submitting the draft law should prepare a legislative proposal in the legal language which contains only defended solutions. Only once the aforementioned procedure is accomplished, the legislative proposal would enter the standard legislative procedure.
If the state institution preparing the proposal of a law wrote the legal version of the proposal in a way that it would contain only solution which he would have previously defended before the expert committee, it would be ensured that the wording of the proposed draft law would not differ from the version previously consulted with the public.
- European Commission: Staff Working Document, Better Regulation Guidelines, European Commission, COM(2015) 215 final, p. 31 – 32, 37 - 39
- European Commission: Better Regulation Toolbox, SWD(2015) 111, p. 239 – 244
- Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic: General principles for regulation of impact assessment (RIA), 2007, updated version dated 2011, p. 21 – 22
- Kohout, P. andcoll., Collection of texts of a working group for the fight against corruption, National Economic Government Council, June 2011), p. 89 - 91
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 13: (Poor)Quality of Czech laws, December 2013
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