
Anticorruption barometer

Current state

Non-corrupt and professional public administration — #87 Only defended solutions into the proposal of a law

After a successful defense of the impact assessment, the institution submitting the draft law should prepare a legislative proposal in the legal language which contains only defended solutions. Only once the aforementioned procedure is accomplished, the legislative proposal would enter the standard legislative procedure.

Justification and sources

Update history

01/2016 current The Committee for evaluation of regulatory impact assessment cannot stop the progression of the proposed law in the legislative procedure in situation where the problem which the proposed law is supposed to resolve as well as its impacts are not sufficiently described and analyzed in relation to the contents of the proposed law. The Government Action plan on fighting corruption for 2016 nevertheless foresees a reinforced control of the application or regulátory imapct assessment rules and corruption impact assessment rules in the preparation of proposal of laws. Effectiveness
08/2015 The Committee for evaluation of regulatory impact assessment cannot stop the progression of the proposed law in the legislative procedure in situation where the problem which the proposed law is supposed to resolve as well as its impacts are not sufficiently described and analyzed in relation to the contents of the proposed law. Effectiveness