
Anticorruption barometer

Current state

Non-corrupt and professional public administration — #53 Prior economic assessment of the need of public officials posts

The analysis of functioning and of costs of the public administration is performed beforehand (what is necessary and what is not) and includes socio-economic analysis of costs and benefits shall precede adoption of any regulation of civil service whether extending or restricting its powers. The number of civil servant posts is not set out in the law, it is determined on the basis of an analysis of a need and intensity of public regulation of the given sector.

* How large budget shall be granted for remunerations of civil servants? How much funds shall be assigned for extraordinary remunerations of civil servants? Which portion of work is being outsourced?

Justification and sources

Update history

08/2015 current The economic analysis of the costs of civil servants was performed during the adoption of the Act on civil service. Following the decision of the Constitutional Court the government is allowed to reduce the number of civil servants or reorganize departments of public administration. These measures when taken are however not conditioned by the elaboration of the cost and benefits analysis. Effectiveness