Political parties should buy electoral advertisements only at pre-set prices published on the internet by the advertising company. The company ensuring electoral advertisement should not be allowed to change those prices during the electoral campaign.
If political parties participating in the elections has an obligation to buy electoral advertisement only for prices set out in the price list published on the internet without the possibility to modify those prices during the electoral campaign, the secret and non-transparent financing of electoral campaigns through electoral “discounts” could be prevented.
- Evaluation Report of the GRECO Group of the Council of Europe regarding Transparency of party funding (Theme II) in the Czech Republic, Strasbourg, 1 April 2011, point 71.viii.
- Points 205 and 206 of Guidelines on political party regulation, CDL-AD(2010)024 (Venice Commission/OSCE/ODIHR), Venice, 15-16 October 2010
- Section II. 5 of Recommendation of the Council of Europe Rec (2007) 15 on measures concerning media coverage of election campaigns, 2007
- Ondráčka, D., Vymětal, P., Transparent financing of electoral campaigns to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2013, Transparency International Czech Republic, Otakar Motejl Fund – Our Politicians, 2013, p. 16
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 8: Transparent financing of electoral campaigns, December 2013
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