Individual experts should be chosen randomly from the above specified lists using certified software evaluation committees for individual tenders. The experts should be independent from the contracting authority.
If experts independent on the public authority attributing the public contract were selected to the evaluation committees in respect of individual public contracts, the public authority would not be able to influence the composition of evaluation committees on concrete public projects.
- Kameník, M., Plhoň, T., Šanc, F.,More than a Public Procurement Act: economy, transparency and accountability in public purchases, Oživení, 2012, p. 53
- Černý, P., Klanicová, K.,A Clientelist or Legal State? Environmental Legal Service, Prague, 2010, p. 31
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 18: Fair assessment of public procurement bids, December 2013
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