
Anticorruption barometer


Non-corrupt and professional public administration — #80 Obligation of the state to ensure protection of whistleblowers

Should the ombudsman and police find whistleblower’s announcement of corruption legitimate, the state shall take over the responsibility for assuring whistleblower’s physical and media protection.

Justification and sources

Current state

Updated: 06/2017 Parameter update history

The law proposal is in the Lower Chamber

Problem Discussion Voluntary solution Efforts Proposal Gov't Lower ch. Senate Adopted In force Applied

Since the Government proposal, which is in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament, does not deal with the question of ensuring anonymity to the whistleblower, it does not either deal with the possible liability of the public administration for the breach of its obligation to ensure anonymity to the whistleblower. The parallel MP proposal does not expressly regulate the question of liability of law enforcement bodies for the breaches of their obligations owed to whistleblowers, however, this liability could probably be derived from the wording of obligations imposed on these public authorities.

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