The public administration employee should announce his/her suspicion of unlawful behavior of public authority or corruption to the Public Defender of Rights (ombudsman).
If a public officer could announce corruption suspicion in public administration to the ombudsman, that is to an office outside hierarchical structure of public administration, neither the position of the announcing public officer could be jeopardised nor the prosecution of the announced corruption. Thanks to reception of these announcements, the ombudsman office could obtain more information about dysfunctioning of public administration against which it shall be proposing remedies.
- Czech Government Anti-corruption Action Plan for 2015, chap. 4, p. 16
- Transparency International: Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement, A Practical Guide, 2014, p. 17
- Transparency International Czech Republic: Whistleblowing is not snitching, A Guide not only for whistleblowers, September 2014, p. 57
- Public Money and Corruption Risks – A Comparative Analysis, Frank Bold, 2013, p. 77
- REST. Depolitisation of the civil service, Reconstruction of the State [online], 2013, principle 4
- Transparency International: International Principles for Whistleblower Legislation – Best Practices for Laws to Protect Whistleblowers and Support Whistleblowing in the Public Interest, 2013, p. 7
- Transparency International: Corruption risks in the Visegrad Countries – Visegrad Integrity System Study, 2012, p. 7 – 8
- Oživení: Whistleblower protection, Analysis developed for the purpose of preparation of new legal regulation in Czech Republic, 2011, p. 33 - 37, 60 – 64
- Transparency International Czech Republic: Whistleblowing and the protection of whistleblowers in the Czech Republic, November 2009, p. 15 – 17
- Vondráček, O., Havrda, M., 21 recipes – Anti-corruption cookbook, Recipe 12: Corruption whistleblowing, December 2013
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